keyconet's final recommendations keyconet's final recommendations

Recommendations for the Integration of 21st Century Competences in School

Watch this animation to see the top recommendations KeyCoNet has launched at its recent conference targeted at policy makers and school leaders to improve the integration of competence-based education in schools across Europe.



KeyCoNet’s final recommendations, based on evidence built during the past three years by KeyCoNet’s partners and associates across Europe, are presented in the two reports below (Executive Summary and Final Report). The recommendations draw on evidence collected through literature reviews, country overviews, case studies, peer learning visits, national expert consultations, and an international online public consultation which gathered feedback from education stakeholders. The reports provide a summary of the key competence approach and its implications for teaching, learning and assessment; present the state of the art in policy and implementation; and finally present recommendations, for deepening and sustaining competence-based education where significant progress has already been made, and for scaling key competence reforms in varied national and local contexts. Recommendations for the European level are also included.

If you are interested in the public online consultation results which fed into these recommendations, please consult the ‘consultation’ section of our website. 









KeyCoNet's Conclusions and Recommendations for strengthening Key Competence Development in Policy and Practice

Executive summary (EN)


Final report (EN)