KeyCoNet Online Consultation KeyCoNet Online Consultation

Between 7 April and 4 July 2014 KeyCoNet launched an online consultation to better understand the experience and opinions of teachers, head teachers, parents and students on the integration of competence-based education in schools across Europe. At the same time, a short consultation in English was launched among stakeholder organisations (i.e. universities, ministries, NGOs, international organisations, industry, etc.).

A short European Analysis summarising the consultation results was drafted by the European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP) and can be accessed here.

We received responses from teachers, head teachers, parents and students from 29 countries across Europe. The consultation survey was made available in 12 languages. A summary of the answers received per language version are available here: DE, EE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, NL, NO, PL, PT and RO. Please note that the summaries are automatic exports from the survey tool used to conduct the consultation.

The results of the consultation of stakeholder organisations can be found here.

The public and expert feedback collected on the occasion of the consultation has been used to further improve and qualify the network’s recommendations for policy and practice, presented at KeyCoNet’s final conference at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels on 25-26 November 2014.